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Kevin Swanson Is No Longer 'Playing Patty-Cake' With Feminists, LGBT People

On “Generations Radio” this week, host Kevin Swanson brought Religious Right activist Jay Grimstead on the air to warn of the coming destruction of America, and the principles needed to “rebuild civilization” following its inevitable demise. Swanson and Grimstead agreed that society has become imperiled by the dissolution of Christian values at the hands of radical deviants.

“We are at the point where social security won’t provide, euthanasia’s coming on like a steam train,” Swanson said.

“[Progressives] have destroyed the character of the next generation: they broke down faith, family and freedom, manhood, womanhood. And I’m at the point where I’m not playing patty-cake with the feminists and the homosexuals and the socialists…as many do.”

Later in the program, Swanson and Grimstead disparaged liberal arts colleges as minefields for Christian students that seek to dismantle the conservative values they were raised on.

“A huge percentage of kids coming out of nice little red-state homes and churches get off to the blue-state universities, and they are corrupted again and again and again and again,” Swanson said. “How do we reform education, especially university-level education, where the kids who graduate aren’t more pro-feministic, aren’t pro-homosexual or pro-socialistic, pro-big government and pro-evolution, pro-everything that is anti-Scripture?”

In the face of secular adversity, Grimstead added that evangelicals must “prepare” and “protect” their children from the onslaught of liberalism, or else parents might as well be placing their children “into Nazi territory.”