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Kevin Swanson: Feminist 'The Last Jedi' Is What 'Movies Produced By A Dying Civilization Look Like'

Having last week railed against the film "The Shape Of Water" for supposedly promoting "cross-species mating," extremist anti-LGBTQ pastor Kevin Swanson turned his attention to the newest Star Wars film, "The Last Jedi," on today's radio program.

Predictably, Swanson was not impressed with the film's "feminist edge" or its basic "violation of the biblical ordinance that the husband is head of the wife."

"The feminists are head over heels in love with this one," Swanson lamented. "It's a bit of a feminist fest with very little artistic story telling involved ... It was a great vehicle to continue to educate the world towards feminism, and feminism is ultimately the individuation of the family, the destruction of the family, and the violation of the biblical ordinance that the husband is head of the wife. So that is fundamentally being eroded in the minds of our 13-and 14-year-old girls as they watch these movies."

"You can thoroughly expect the unraveling of the Christian family in the years to come if the Christian family is sitting their children at the feet of feminists and receiving the messages," Swanson said, as he railed against the film for featuring several female characters in lead roles "defending the universe from the bad guys."

"Friends," he said, "this is what the last movies produced by a dying civilization look like."