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Kevin Swanson: 'Demonic World' Using 'The Homosexual Borg' To Deceive Americans

Anti-gay Colorado pastor Kevin Swanson, host of Generation Radio Kevin Swanson, declared on his radio program on Monday that Americans are too “paralyzed by fear” to act against LGBT rights.

“We’re paralyzed by fear,” he remarked. “We’re incapable of moving ahead because of what we fear. Now as you’ve said before, what you fear is what you worship, and it’s probable that Americans worship the state, they worship their money, they worship sexuality, they worship materialism, they worship all these things and they don’t worship the true and living God.” Because Americans don’t fear God, he said, they are “afraid of lawsuits, or they’re afraid of being arrested, or they’re afraid of saying things that might get them arrested, and that’s why they’re not going to fear God and take a stand against the powers of evil.”

This led Swanson to compare the fight against LGBT rights (or “the homosexual borg”) to David and Goliath. “There’s no question that Goliath of Gath, the homosexual borg, is the power in the principality of the demonic world itself. There’s no question in my mind whatsoever.” He warned that “the demonic world had some influences upon the minds of one hundred million people in America.”

Swanson then addressed the support by Robert Gates, president of the Boy Scouts, for lifting his organization’s ban on adult gay members, pointing out that Gates was at the head of the Pentagon when Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was repealed, which, he said, was similar to a policy that allowed Alexander the Great to defeat the Persians. “I don’t think it’s been accomplished anywhere in human history,” he said, “maybe by the Persians, who brought their paramours to battle and, ah, it went really, really bad for them when they fought Alexander the Great. So that would be an example in history where maybe they tried it for a week, and it didn’t turn out very well.”

Swanson then suggested that the Boy Scouts might soon let pedophiles lead troops, which led Alex McManus, a contributor to the show, to ask, “How dare he take God’s creation and mar it by putting over God’s creation pedophiles?...Christians need to say, ‘Boy Scouts, we’re done with you.’”

“This is just an indication of what’s happened to the nation,” Swanson responded. “The nation has committed suicide when it comes to social and sexual expression. They have abandoned rationality, they have destroyed themselves, and now they’re destroying the next generation of children.”