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Kevin Swanson Blames Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina on Homosexuality, Warns San Francisco is Next

Pastor Kevin Swanson of Generations with Vision Ministry dedicated his radio show yesterday to blaming gays and lesbians for not only Hurricane Sandy but also Hurricane Katrina. Swanson, who earlier urged Chick-fil-A to produce “Miss Piggy on a bun” to mock gay rights groups and beseeched America to return to the biblical law of Pilgrim society when homosexuality was punishable by death, warned that hurricanes struck New York and New Orleans because they are among the “most pro-homosexual, pro-liberal cities in America.” He added that San Francisco should soon expect an earthquake for similar reasons. Later, Swanson claimed that abortion rights and the growth of LGBT youth clubs in schools are provoking God’s wrath and intensifying the strength of hurricanes.

Swanson: The two worst storms, material-wise, in the history of America has happened in just the last five years and here’s the interesting thing about this storm, it hit New York City and if you’re trying to think of the most pro-homosexual, liberal cities in America, you would probably say, give me the top three most pro-homosexual, pro-liberal cities in America, it would probably be?

Buehner: New York, San Francisco, New Orleans.

Swanson: Yes, exactly. Now we have two out of three. The good news is San Francisco is in a safe location; well it’s on the ocean.

Buehner: God would have to move heaven and earth, well just really earth.

Swanson: Earth. San Francisco is still okay though, everybody understand, San Francisco is still okay, hasn’t had the big earthquake yet… yet.

Swanson: The hurricanes of the last ten years are four times worse than the hurricanes of the 1990s and twelve times worse of the hurricanes of the 70s and 80s, now this is interesting because I would say that the United States has not been honoring God very much, am I out on a limb here? The United States of America is more pro-abortion than ever before, certainly is funding more abortions than ever before; the United States is far more homosexual than it was in the 1990s, I mean there are hundreds of times more high school homosexual clubs and programs, and you’ve got California bringing all their pro-homosexual indoctrination into public schools. This stuff was not happening in the 1980s and 1990s, it’s happening now, it’s been happening for the last twelve years. America is not doing well in the macro-culture, okay? There is a God in the heavens and in the past, sins like homosexuality and the shedding of innocent blood have really irritated Him.

Swanson and Buehner also explained that people shouldn’t have pity on those who lost their homes but don’t have flood insurance, advising donors to be wary of contributing to Sandy relief efforts since “a lot of times charity winds up subsidizing sin,” like the possible use of relief funds to rebuild a Planned Parenthood clinic.

Buehner: If you build a house and it’s a block in from the ocean near a place called Atlantic City, you need flood insurance, it’s called Atlantic City, you’re inviting the ocean into your door step. You get insurance for that, if you don’t have insurance for that we don’t say ‘oh I guess we’re going to have pity on you because you don’t have insurance, I’ll just rebuild your house.’ No, let us buy you food, let me buy you a meal but I’m not going to buy you a house. No, mercy is the next virtue here and Christians are to have mercy, especially on other Christians, and not on those who can work and refuse to but on those who aren’t able to provide for themselves.

Swanson: That’s why accountability here is important because a lot of times charity winds up subsidizing sin; you got to be so careful with that. It turns out your charitable contributions to some big organization winds up rebuilding casinos in Jersey City or wherever.

Buehner: Or Planned Parenthood. What if you thought you were giving money to flood relief victims and it went to go rebuild the Planned Parenthood facility?

Swanson: Exactly, we don’t want to rebuild that.