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Kevin McCarthy Insists That GOP’s Opposition to Impeachment Isn’t Partisan

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (Image: Voice of America, via WikiMedia Commons)

House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy said that Republicans will stick together to oppose the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, but he insists that there’s nothing partisan about it.

McCarthy appeared on the Dec. 14 episode of SiriusXM Patriot’s “Breitbart News Saturday” for an interview with Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow. The duo discussed the two articles of impeachment—abuse of power and obstruction of Congress—expected to be approved in the House of Representatives this week. Marlow asked McCarthy if he expected, along with the rest of Washington, for votes to fall down party lines.

“I think Republicans are going to be unified against it if I’m not mistaken, right?” Marlow asked.

“Look, we will be very strong Republicans against this simply because—based on the facts, not because we’re Republicans. It’s because we put our hand up and we upheld that we would uphold the Constitution. This does not rise to the level of misdemeanors and high crimes,” McCarthy replied.

“This is purely what Alexander Hamilton warned us about—that one party would get control to try to do this,” McCarthy said. “What the Democrats have done is not only weakened the office of the presidency—by making him release a transcript—for any future president talking to any other world leader.”

McCarthy expressed his concern that impeaching the president over “the lowest levels of things just for their own political gain” would become the norm for future administrations. McCarthy asked whether a Democrat in the White House against a Republican majority in Congress would be considered enough cause for impeachment, seeming to forget all of Republicans’ ludicrous calls to impeach Barack Obama.