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Judson Phillips Demands Commentators like Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck Moderate the Presidential Debates

On the hook for a $748,000 hotel bill, Tea Party Nation head Judson Phillips is still trying to make the case that he is a true fiscal conservative. So conservative that he has rejected all the presidential debate moderators outright and instead wants the debates moderated by someone from birther outlets like WND and Breitbart or commentators Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh!

There are four debates. Can we have at least one conservative moderator?

Why is it the Republicans always walk into these debates and agree to give the other side a leg up by having moderators that openly cheer for the Democrat?

Is it asking the Republicans too much to grow a pair and start fighting?

Who is the brain donor at the GOP that agreed to this non-sense?

When is the Republican Party going to learn the drive by media is the enemy? I don’t care if you go to the same trendy parties in DC they are the enemy. They are not the unbiased purveyors of information they would like to claim to be.

The Republicans do have allies. It is the conservative media. From WND to Breitbart, to the Blaze to Drudge and many others, there are a lot of conservatives who can moderate debates. There is Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, just to mention three.

The conservative media is carrying the water for the Republicans so why aren’t they demanding the conservative media have a seat at the table?

Why aren’t the Republicans demanding that at least half of the moderators be conservatives? Instead they are yielding the field to the Democrats.