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John McCain's GOP Challenger Appears On Alex Jones' Conspiracy Theory Show

After kicking off his show last night by declaring that he is living under the nonexistent North American Union, InfoWars broadcaster Alex Jones greeted Arizona Republican state Sen. Kelli Ward, who is challenging U.S. Sen. John McCain in the Republican primary.

It isn’t a huge surprise that Ward would appear on Jones’ conspiracy theory program, as the GOP lawmaker has promoted fears about “chemtrails” and rallied behind anti-government icon Cliven Bundy during his standoff with law enforcement.

As we mentioned when Donald Trump appeared on Jones’ radio program last year, it “is really difficult to know where to begin when cataloging all of the truly insane statements and conspiracy theories levied by radio host Alex Jones, who has talked about everything from how 9/11 and Oklahoma City were false flag operations to how juice turns kids gay and space lizards are running the world."