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John Hagee: Obama's Treatment Of Benjamin Netanyahu Will Cause God To Destroy America

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu comes to Washington, D.C., in March to lobby for tougher sanctions against Iran, President Obama will not be meeting with him and several Democratic members of Congress may skip his address.

Naturally, none of that is sitting well with John Hagee, who warned on yesterday's "Hagee Hotline" that God will destroy America for failing to adequately support Israel.

"I am a student of world history," Hagee said, "and you can wrap up world history in 25 words or less and here it is: the nations that blessed Israel prospered and the nations that cursed Israel were destroyed by the hand of God."

The Egyptian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire have all been wiped out, Hagee said, and even the British Empire has been "reduced to one tiny island because, since Edward the First, they have been and remain an anti-Semitic nation."

America will face the same fate, Hagee warned, because God "is watching what America does as it responds to Israel. If America turns its back on Israel, God will turn his back on America. And that's a fact. It's proven by history":