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Joel Gilbert: Liberals Using Pot To 'Exert Total Control' Over Drugged Populace

Joel Gilbert, creator of last year’s hit film “Dreams From My Real Father” (which made the case that President Obama’s was lying about his communist genetics) is out with a new film, this one making the case that “Barack Obama is the real life Wizard of Oz.”

Unsurprisingly, Alex Jones is quite taken with Gilbert’s new movie, and welcomed the filmmaker onto his Infowars program last week to discuss the various ways in which they believe liberals are destroying America. One of those ways, it turns out, is the push for reforming marijuana laws, which Jones said that he actually supports but also thinks is a liberal plot to keep people “stunned and stumbling around” and voting for Democrats.

“Well certainly the progressives will use anything, any tool, anything that comes up to exert total control,” Gilbert agreed. “The more the progressives can promote anything that keeps people from focusing on their radical agenda, the more they’ll get behind it.”