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Joe Miller’s Security

From what we learned on Sunday when Alaska Republican Joe Miller's campaign arrested a reporter, Joe Miller has little respect for the First Amendment right of journalists to ask questions, or the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against arrests without warrants. Of course Joe Miller has already said that he will no longer answer questions from journalists, but arresting them is a new low.

Unfortunately, Joe Miller’s continued disrespect for the Constitution doesn’t seem all that surprising: Writing for the Alaska blog The Mudflats, Shannyn Moore reports that Miller pointed to communist East Germany as his inspiration on immigration policy: “When asked about illegal immigration, Miller offered up: Build a wall! ‘If the East Germans could do it, so can we!’” Moore also gives us a glimpse into Miller’s security guards, the DropZone, which prominently displays the notorious Obama-Joker poster and links to the bizarre conspiracy-theory radio host Alex Jones’s website, best known for promoting the claim that FEMA is building concentration camps inside the US.

The only thing more extreme than the weather and wildlife in Alaska is the politics. The Drop Zone was a sponsor of Palin apologist and former radio host, Eddie Burke. The DZ bragged to patrons about their security squad being littered with former Blackwater operatives. Not disclosing full names and a preference for cash transactions were commonplace. A poster of President Obama as the Joker hangs in their front window.

Part of being a 2nd Amendment Progressive in Alaska is having friends who are gun nuts. Several have recalled “Bill” at the Drop Zone boasting about his partners’ participation in rendition and black ops overseas. He would show off the 50 caliber sniper rifle worth at least $80,000. No one I know would ask what it was worth. It doesn’t take a sniper rifle to put a moose in your freezer.

“Bill”, identified in news accounts of this story, is William Fulton. He is the owner of the Drop Zone. Bill was photographed in front of the Alaska 9/11 Glenn Beck-Sarah Palin rally after accosting and pointing a finger at a protester while shouting in her face, “Socialist!” The woman’s sign said, “Don’t be stupid Alaskans, Don’t Vote Joe Miller, We Deserve Better…”, and she held her own against the verbal onslaught.

Bill loves Glenn Beck and was heard saying, “Glenn talks to the crazies,” who are his best customers.