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Jim Bakker: 'I Would Believe A Million' People Are Trying To Kill Trump

On his television program yesterday, End Times prepper pastor Jim Bakker declared that the attacks on President Trump are "beyond diabolical" and that he would not be at all surprised to discover that there are a million people in America who are trying to kill the president.

"Many in America are trying to destroy our president," Bakker warned. "It's scary. I know more than I can ever say on television and I know this: It's beyond diabolical what's going on in our country ... The president has a bullseye on his back and if they could kill him, [they would]. If somebody told me there was a thousand people trying to kill the president, I would believe that; I would believe a million because I have never seen such hatred for a human being."

"I know we're in the Last Days," he added, "and so to tell people it's OK and everything is fine—everything is not fine."

Right-wing commentator Larry Tomcazk, who was the guest on the program, agreed, saying that evil spiritual forces "are endeavoring to dismantle the foundations in this country."

"We saw in a previous administration—think of this—the White House was lit up celebrating the establishment of gay marriage in America and it was a celebration," Tomczak said in disbelief. "How could this happen in America? This is insanity."

Tomczak said that "in this last election, God moved on the hearts of his people" and showed his mercy by putting Trump into the White House in order to give this nation a reprieve.

"Look at the fruit of this man in office," Tomczak said, saying that people should ignore the stuff from "15 years ago" and instead focus on "the policies, the judges that are being put in, [and] Jerusalem being established there, finally."

"We're given a reprieve," he said, "and it's our time."