Pastor Robert Jeffress was a guest on AFA's "Today's Issues" program this morning where he voiced his offense at a joke about Jesus made recently by the host of the NPR game show "Wait, Wait ... Don't Tell Me!," saying that such attacks on Christianity should not come as a surprise considering that our society is "under Satan's control."
"There's not just only a war on Christmas, there's a war on Christianity," Jeffress said. "It began two thousand years ago when Herod tried to kill Christ and it's been continuing ever since then ... There is a kingdom of God and there is a kingdom of Satan, of light and darkness that are at war with one another and this world system is under Satan's control, at least temporarily."
Jeffress went on to say that the fact that it is "open season on Christianity while every other world religion is treated with respect" is proof that Christianity is true.
"The Bible teaches that the Gospel is an offense to people," he explained, "and I think we can point out to unbelievers, you know, the fact that Christianity is singled out for attack probably gives validity to the authenticity of the Christian faith":