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Jeff Allen Warns America Is Pushing 'Sodomite Imperialism' With 'Homosexual Warheads'

BarbWire editor Jeff Allen joined Tim Wildmon on American Family Radio yesterday to warn that President Obama and his progressive allies seek to destroy America because they are engaged in “rebellion against God.”

Among the anti-American, anti-Christian demoniacs? Why, none other than us here at Right Wing Watch! Allen accused us — along with the media, public schools and the gay community — of trying to bring down the country and replace it with a socialist-communist dystopia.

And he wasn’t done there. Allen took to BarbWire today to accuse Secretary of State John of pushing “sodomite imperialism” by appointing “tranny” foreign service officers and “weaponizing the foreign affairs agencies with a homosexual warhead.”

With the Obama administration’s foreign policy in a shambles and the world going to hell in a handbasket (and frankly, we’re running out of handbaskets), Secretary of State John Kerry was busy wasting our nation’s valuable time making the ridiculous pledge to continue working hard to appoint more LGBT ambassadors as part of America’s new sodomite imperialism. Never mind the fact that ISIS is overrunning Iraq, the Syrian civil war is spilling over into Israel, and Russian aggression in the Ukraine destabilizes the region — America is too preoccupied with intimidating other nations into embracing homosexual perversion to be concerned about such “insignificant” geo-politcal [sic] issues. Talk about having our national priorities out of whack!

John Kerry delivered his remarks at the GLIFAA (formerly Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies) Pride Event in the Ben Franklin Room at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC on June 19. During the speech, the secretary rattled off a list of “accomplishments” that have benefited the homosexual community’s aberrant agenda.

Kerry also indicated that, if confirmed, Ted Osius (nominated by President Obama to serve in Vietnam) would become the sixth openly gay U.S. ambassador currently in service. Then, he praised the work of the GLIFAA President and moderator of the event Robyn McCutcheon, who was at one time posted in Bucharest, Hungary as the first cross-dressing, tranny “female” Foreign Service officer. In other words, we’ve got people who can’t even figure out their own gender trying to navigate their way through the intricacies and intrigues of the world’s most confusing diplomatic quandaries.

For those nations that dare to balk at these thuggish U.S. demands and refuse to recognize pretend homosexual “marriages” (and won’t grant visas to their homosexual “spouses”), the Obama administration is prepared to abusively misuse its power. Kerry threatened to use coercive tactics against those nations that find homosexual practice repugnant. Apparently, we no longer respect the culture, beliefs and traditions of other nations. Just as the vindictive homosexual activists have brazenly run roughshod over the rights of conservative and Christian citizens here at home, Kerry promised more of the same around the world. Like the IRS, we are seeing the weaponizing of the foreign affairs agencies with a homosexual warhead.