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James Robison: Donald Trump Could Save America From Hell

Televangelist James Robison on Friday urged conservatives to rally behind Donald Trump, explaining that the presumptive GOP nominee is ripe for an evangelical conversion and could stave off demonic attacks against the country.

Robinson said in an interview with the American Family Association’s Sandy Rios that if Trump loses to a Democrat, America will be given over to Satan:

We’ve got one side that’s already said the government is the source, that’s your security, that’s your future. That is a lie straight out of the pit of hell. And they say kill all the babies that the mother wants to terminate and it doesn’t matter how you define marriage and we don’t even protect basic morality anymore. How long does it take the church to step away from that kind of nonsense?

I don’t care what your race is, what color you are, what your background is or your heritage, you better stand against that evil because we’re shedding innocent blood and when you shed innocent blood, you’re going to be given over to deception, the whole country will be filled with the fruit of lies and there will be no peace.

What we have to do as a church is say, ‘I will stand against that because I still have a choice. I am not going to allow the gates of hell to take over my country. I don’t have to give God’s great earth to the devil and to the destroyer.’ That’s what the church has to say and I think we’re real close to the church doing that.