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J. Christian Adams Compares Obama Administration To Dallas Police Assailant

Earlier today, conservative activist and former Justice Department attorney J. Christian Adams appeared on “Sandy Rios in the Morning,” where he discussed last night’s shooting of several law enforcement officers in Dallas.

When Rios asked Adams if he thinks President Obama will ask the Justice Department to investigate the events in Dallas just as they were asked to investigate the recent shootings of black men by police in Minnesota and Louisiana, Adams dismissed Obama’s condemnation of the Dallas attack and compared the administration’s actions to those of the suspected shooter or shooters.

Rios: Now the DOJ is rushing, the Department of Civil Rights, is rushing to Minnesota, I believe also to Baton Rouge, to investigate the shooting of these two black men, two more incidents in the last couple of days here. Will they rush to Dallas?

Adams: Well, not for anything good. I mean, Obama called the shooting in Dallas today a ‘calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement.’ Well, I think that’s exactly the same sort of thing his Justice Department has been engaged in. Not using weapons, of course, but using the power of the federal government to engage in a despicable and calculated attack on law enforcement for the last seven years. So now, I don’t think he’s going to rush to Dallas. Not to do anything good, at least.

Adams and Rios, while admitting that they didn’t know who was responsible the attack, also wildly speculated about who was behind the ambush, wondering aloud if the shooting was the result of the work of the New Black Panther Party or Black Lives Matter activists or George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

Adams insisted that the killing was part of “a coordinated, deliberate strategy to destabilize the moral authority of the United States, using the cloak of race,” which he described as a spiritually evil and wicked plot to “tear at the fabric of the country.”

Black Lives Matter activists, Rios said, simply don’t understand that “they are being stirred into a frenzy by people who are thinking about how to undermine and destroy the very fabric of this country. That’s what’s driving this. It has nothing to do with race. They’re using race — they’re using anything they can: Islamophobia, homophobia, whatever, to stir up dissention and destruction.”