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Is Pat Robertson's CBN Now An Advocacy Organization?

Can somebody explain to me what this is?

I found this on CBN reporter David Brody's blog "The Brody File" where Brody makes it sound as if the video itself was produced by CBN: 

CBN sent out this video above in an attempt to draw awareness to the major problem of the rising deficit, the declining dollar, and the eventual threat to the long-term stability of America’s economy.

The video is very similar to the “Throw granny of a cliff”video by the Agenda Project, a liberal group who released their video a few months ago to suggest that Republican Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget plan would ruin the lives of senior citizens through big cuts to entitlement programs.

The point of this video is that it won’t be just “granny” at risk if lawmakers don’t do something drastic about the debt crisis. It will be all of us.

It’s notable that the video doesn’t take aim at Democrats or Republicans. It’s simply all about getting America’s fiscal house in order.

This video is part of a movement within the conservative evangelical focusing on morality and the debt. Videos like this and other forms of communication have really exploded within the last few years.

We have seen a number of Christian organizations like the Family Research Council, American Family Association, Focus on the Family, Coral Ridge Ministries, and others warn people about the coming doom.

Let’s be clear: the debt crisis in our nation is a Tier A issue within the evangelical community, right up there with abortion, gay marriage, and Muslim terrorism.

The video is posted on a YouTube account named UncleSamAmerica that was started just yesterday and features only this video.

What does Brody mean when he says "CBN sent out this video"?  That they produced it or merely that they simply forwarded it? 

Either way, what on earth is going on when Pat Robertson's CBN "news" organization has begun producing and/or promioting political issue ads?