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Impeachment Effort a ‘Political Abortion’ to Kill Trump’s Divine Mission, Says Frank Amedia

POTUS Shield founder Frank Amedia (Image from POTUS Shield video)

Frank Amedia, an early supporter and campaign adviser to President Donald Trump, declared last week that the impeachment process was a “political abortion” meant to stop Trump’s “anointed and appointed” mission. Amedia said a “form of witchcraft” is keeping the name of the whistleblower “in obscurity.”

Amedia heads POTUS Shield, a “prophetic” prayer network that he founded on the night of Trump’s 2016 election victory to mobilize prayer for the president and to promote a new prophetic order of the United States. Last Tuesday, Amedia was a guest on Charisma CEO Stephen Strang’s “God, Trump, and the 2020 Election” podcast, where he said that Trump has an “assignment from God” and that he is “absolutely convinced” that Trump will win in 2020.  But Amedia warned that the anti-Trump witchcraft will “regroup” and the “devouring spirit” that has been manifested in politics “will not be satisfied” and “will not stop” attacking Trump after he is reelected. He warned that something bad could happen to Trump in 2022, claiming that Trump’s enemies would “continue to lay snares and traps and try to net him.”

Strang wanted to hear more details about what God was telling Amedia about 2022, but Amedia was coy, claiming that he’s not revealing some things because he is pleading with God to give America more time:

And to be blunt with you. One of the reasons why I'm not comfortable to share it is I'm pleading at the altar of God. I'm pleading for him to reverse some things. I'm pleading for him to have more grace, more mercy, transforming a heart and hearts. But all I've received from the Lord, Stephen, is that we are in this window of grace and change and transformation that involves the five major categories of the mission that were put upon this man and his anointing and his breaker anointing, and that persists through 2022. After that, I believe we enter into a large, very large test.

On the podcast, Amedia said that “tears have streamed from our Lord's eyes” because of abortion, “let alone all of the other issues that have daunted us as we slipped further and further away from Judeo-Christian foundations.”

Amedia’s characterization of the impeachment process—the interview was held before the Senate voted not to convict Trump—came in response to Strang asking him, “So tell me, what is God saying about this impeachment?”

“The impeachment is likened unto a political abortion,” Amedia said. “And abortion is on the forefront, and is actually one of the focal points of why Donald Trump was elected and anointed and appointed by God Himself in that position that he's in.”

Amedia said that a new movement has been born, with newly emboldened pastors and churches willing to speak without fear of losing members or risking their tax-exempt status. And he said that “denominations and factions” within the church that until recently haven’t been able to work together are beginning to do so, which explains the attempted “abortion”:

Steve, if you analyze scripture, every time there's been a major shift, that God has appointed in the kingdom, we see that the enemy of God's covenant, of his people, wants to destroy the children, wants to destroy or rewrite birth. Moses, kill all the children. Jesus, kill the males, two years and younger. Infanticide. We've seen it in the Holocaust destroying children. We've seen it attempted as cultures want to assimilate another culture and destroy their culture. It always focuses down to the children.

Well, Trump embodied within him and what he brings in the movement that he released, which has caught most people by surprise, and which is being accomplished at lightning speed, in a matter of a few years. This was an attempt to abort it.

The reason why Schiff and his managing members are so adamant that this had to be done literally eight, nine, 10 months before the election because, ‘Oh my god, what would happen if he's reelected?’ It's because they realize that they will not be able to reverse what is being done in that another two and a half, three years—four? five? We’ll see. But I'm saying two and a half, three years of this is going to establish things that are going to persist beyond the next election.

Strang ended the interview by encouraging his listeners to get involved with POTUS Shield, which Amedia proudly described as “a formidable weapon.” Amedia also said that POTUS Shield is working with the Trump administration and the conservative base on judicial nominees and the proposed peace plan for the Middle East.

POTUS Shield’s council includes an assortment of New Apostolic Reformation dominionists and anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice religious-right activists: Lance Wallnau, Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle, Rick Joyner, Jerry Boykin, Alveda King, Harry Jackson, JC Church, Mani Erfan, Mark Gonzales, Harman Martir, Pat Schatzline, Patricia Scahill, Bob Whitaker, Darrell and Belinda Scott, Mina Holmes, Steve Schultz, Kevin Jessip, and Mosy Madugba.