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Hide Your Grandparents! The Five Most Panicked Right-Wing Reactions To King v. Burwell

In a 6-3 decision this morning, the Supreme Court rejected an attempt by conservative activists to unravel the Affordable Care Act by attacking what was essentially a typo in the law. The court’s decision in King v. Burwell will prevent at least 8 million people from losing their health insurance, so naturally the Right is devastated.

Here are the most panicked reactions from the Right just the first hour following the King decision being handed down:

1. Nothing means anything anymore!

2. We’re becoming a banana republic!

3. Hide your grandparents!

4. Justice Roberts is a tyrant!

5. …who was obviously blackmailed!

Honorable mention: The most popular line on conservative Twitter this morning was written not by a professional pundit, but by  Justice Antonin Scalia in his dissent. We’ll let Glenn Beck share this one:

Update: The Ben Shapiro quote that we originally included in this post was from 2012. But luckily he still has plenty to say! We've also added Michelle Malkin's insight.