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Hagee: Christians Must 'Storm The Voting Booths And Vote The Bible'

John Hagee was the guest on James Robison's television program again today, where the two men continued their discussion of the existence and influence of demons as Hagee recounted his very first experience with a woman who became demon-possessed after playing with tarot cards.

But all that demon talk was really just a precursor to the main point of the program, which was the importane of getting Christians to vote in the upcoming presidential election.

It is imperative that the church "rise up and correct this nation's course," Robison said, and Hagee agreed, declaring that Christians must "storm the voting booths and vote the Bible" in order to throw all the "pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage" politicians out of office.

"The Bible says when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. But the people of God have to stand up and speak up," Hagee said. "We, as salt and light, need to storm the voting booths and vote the Bible. Don't send some political hack to Washington who will continue doing the same old things of pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage, all of the things that are dragging this country down. Send someone that has a godly conviction, not what the speech they are writing or giving but by what their voting record says they are. And if they're not doing the righteous thing, send someone in their place to go. And if you can't find that one, run yourself!  There is nothing wrong with you running."