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Gordon Klingenschmitt: Impeach Obama Over Gay Rights, Mythical Election Tampering

In an email to Pray In Jesus Name Project supporters on Saturday, televangelist and Colorado state legislator Gordon Klingenschmitt blasted the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s 2012 decision to cover discrimination against transgender people under laws that prevent discrimination on the basis of sex.

He berated the EEOC’s move as a sign that President Obama is becoming a dictator who committed an impeachable act.

The Dictator-in-Chief, President Obama, is once again using his phone and his pen to change laws without Congressional approval. This time he called Jacqueline A. Berrien, Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), to simply "reinterpret" the 1964 Civil Rights Act to protect homosexual status as if it were discrimination against "sex."

When dictators can change laws without Congress, simply by "reinterpreting" laws against federal courts rulings that held the opposite interpretation, we have truly become a lawless nation ruled by dictators. This is an impeachable offense.

In another email today, Klingenschmitt brought up the myth that the Obama administration spent federal funds “to try to defeat Netanyahu,” claiming that the “anti-Semitic” Obama "clearly wants Iran to get nuclear power, which they will use to destroy Israel.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has won re-election, and his main opponent has conceded, despite alleged misuse of American tax-dollars to try to defeat Netanyahu.

If the investigation confirms Obama and Kerry used our tax-dollars to fund an election to defeat Netanyahu, this is an impeachable offense. It's not only illegal, and theft, but anti-Semitic, intended to harm our closest ally in the middle east. Obama clearly wants Iran to get nuclear power, which they will use to destroy Israel. Thank God the people of Israel saw past Obama's corruption, and re-elected Bibi.

I agree with PM Netanyahu, and I disagree with John Kerry. Giving nuclear energy to Iran is not a roadblock to weapons, rather it paves the road to nuclear weapons in the hands of militant Islamists who vow to wipe Israel off the map of history.

Obama is so disliked in Israel now, that his campaign against Netanyahu will actually help Netanyahu gain votes. Israeli's are fed up with Obama's support of Iran, and tired of being bombed with rockets by Muslim terrorists. I predict the Israeli elections in March will move them further to the right. Netanyahu's real challenge comes from hawks to his right, not from Obama on his left.