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Gina Miller Warns LGBT Rights Will Lead To Communism

Far-right columnist Gina Miller is convinced that the LGBT rights movement is ushering in communism, which gay advocates advocates fail to understand since they are spiritually blinded to the demonic agenda behind their efforts.

Now, she warns, “Barack Obama (or whatever his name is)” is having policies like the Employment Non-Discrimination Act “shoved down our throats” to benefit “sexual deviants” and the “mentally disordered” transgender community.

We have seen in the past several years under the Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) administration a militant homosexual movement on steroids, running at warp speed. Many of us have been warning you that this movement is not what it seems, what it's being sold as to the American public. While its proponents claim it is simply about gaining "marriage equality" and "civil rights" for homosexual, "transgender" and other sexual deviants, that is not the case.

At its core, this movement is about tyranny. It's about subverting the rights of people who hold traditional moral values, which are antithetical to immoral, centralized government control. It's about silencing the dissent of those who oppose the destruction of marriage and the mainstreaming of deviancy. It's about deconstructing the foundations and truths of our freedom-based, constitutional Republic. This movement's goals are in line with the goals of the communists, and I'm certain that many homosexual activists, who are only useful pawns of this movement, do not see this.

The latest front to aggressively emerge in the radical homosexual movement's war against God, truth, reason and freedom is in the area of expanded, special rights for people suffering from "transgenderism," which is a mental (and spiritual) disorder. Those who labor under it believe they are members of the opposite sex, which is a biological impossibility, thus it has always, until recently, been rightly observed to be a disease of the mind. In our twisted age of "political correctness," some heavily politicized "scientific" and medical "professionals" have abandoned truth and reason and lent their credibility to the lie that it's somehow possible for a man to be a woman. This is pitiful, mob insanity.

The push for special rights for "transgenders" is finally shaking awake many people who have ignored the steady progress of the radical homosexual movement. When it comes to the prospect of federal "employment non-discrimination law" favoring sexual deviants being shoved down our throats, and the reality of what it would mean for business owners and others, people are starting to understand the despotism such an edict would be. It would mean, for instance, that a businessman could very easily be successfully sued by a mentally disordered man who insists on dressing like a woman, if that businessman turned him down for a job. There are myriad bad scenarios you can imagine that would result from such a federal law.