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Garrow: Obama Will Soon Implement Sharia Law & Kill People By Guillotine

In an interview last month with The Rundown, right-wing huckster Jim Garrow cited the completely bogus conspiracy theory that Obamacare is paving the way for legal decapitation by guillotine, which he claims is part of President Obama’s plan to impose Islamic law on America.

We wonder if the decapitations will be led by the alien-Canadian army that Garrow keeps talking about.

It’s interesting that people now are in a position to make a choice: Will you protect America and the citizens of America, ‘We the People,’ will you honor the Constitution? Or will you become a lackey and listen to the despot and follow his direction and basically start Murder, Inc.? Because that’s where it’s going to go. What happened now, just recently? We now have a part of Obamacare where we now have legal execution by guillotine. Did you see the list? It’s been added to the list.

If Obama is a Muslim, if the Muslims when they dominate Christians, if what they do is kill them by taking off their heads, decapitation by the sword, this is just another sword, it’s another way, it’s another mollification of Muslims, of Islam, it’s another lining up, paralleling what’s right and able to be done in America, legally, with what the Muslims do. This is dhimmitude, submission, submission to Islam and the traditions of Islam. Done by that bunch of wackos, that bunch of crazies, traitors in the White House led by Mr. Obama.