The Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, D.C. has unveiled its "Agenda: 2010" which is "designed for educating D.C. candidates for Mayor and D.C. Council on LGBT issues" while also serving as "a resource for journalists, activists, and the general public."
But the Family Research Council sees through that charade and reports that it is really nothing more than a blueprint on how gays intend to "destroy innocence, the family, local communities, public health, and parental authority":
Local groups will try to elect more homosexuals to places of power, push in-school gay-straight alliances, support D.C. sex-oriented businesses, defend adult entertainment, grant special perks to cross-dressing prisoners, force same-sex adoption, and legalize sex trafficking. Lots of people in this country mistakenly believe that this community will be satisfied when it redefines marriage. That's not the case. Homosexuals and transgenders won't be happy until they sever every moral underpinning in America. This has never been about "acceptance" or "equality" but about a devastating strategy meant to destroy innocence, the family, local communities, public health, and parental authority.