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Focus Seeks to Defeat Daschle for HHS

Focus on the Family is calling on its activists to contact their senators and urge them to vote "no" on Tom Daschle's nomination to be Secretary of Health and Human Services:

On Thursday, the Senate HELP (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions) Committee is scheduled to take up Daschle's nomination.

"Tom Daschle is a disaster appointment, the opposite of a national protector of health and human services," pro-life blogger Jill Stanek told the Catholic News Agency. "Daschle ardently supports abortion … and he disdains abstinence education.

"The only reason Obama appointed Daschle was to assure Obama's radical support of the abortion industry would be extended through HHS."

Ashley Horne, federal policy analyst for Focus on the Family Action, said Daschle is just one in a long line of liberal, anti-family Obama nominees.

"Citizens who care about family values should be concerned about Daschle's nomination," she said. "Constituents should make their opposition heard on this nominee."

Focus Action has issued an action alert urging activists to start by targeting members of the Senate's HELP Committee:

Ask Senate Committee to Vote Against Daschle

Obama has nominated pro-abortion lawmaker for HHS post.

Former Sen. Tom Daschle has voted to force taxpayers to fund abortions on military bases. He voted for a Senate resolution endorsing Roe v. Wade. And as Senate majority leader, he helped to block a vote on the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act.

And President-elect Barack Obama wants this man as his secretary of Health and Human Services.

If one of your U.S. senators serves on the Senate HELP Committee, please call today and request a vote against Sen. Daschle.