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Fischer: Valerie Jarrett Ordered Bin Laden Raid Without Even Consulting President Obama

On his radio broadcast yesterday(link is external), Bryan Fischer eagerly helped spread the(link is external) emerging(link is external) right-wing(link is external) narrative(link is external) that murdered journalist James Foley could have easily been rescued but President Obama was too busy playing golf to approve the rescue mission in time to save him.

But in Fischer's telling, the tale grew even more bizarre when he then asserted that it was really White House advisor Valerie Jarrett who ordered the raid that killed Osama bin Laden and did so without even telling President Obama.

"The best information we have," Fischer stated,(link is external) "is that Valerie Jarrett pulled the trigger and told the Seal Team Six 'you got to go in and get him.' It was Valerie Jarrett that said 'look, we have an opportunity here, we can't afford to pass up this opportunity. I'm not even going to consult with Barack Obama. I'm not even going to consult with the president on this one, he's out playing golf, I'm just going to give the go signal' ... So Valerie Jarrett was functioning as the de facto Commander in Chief":

While this bizarre theory plays into Fischer's long-held belief(link is external) that President Obama was so uninvolved in the Bin Laden raid that he had to be Photoshopped into the iconic photo(link is external) of the situation room, it rather conflicts with the other right-wing conspiracy theory(link is external) that it was Jarrett who repeatedly thwarted attempts to capture or kill Bin Laden.

That claim is not true either(link is external), but Fischer ought to at least try a little harder to get his conspiracy theories straight.