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Fischer & Mihet: Those Who Oppose ENDA Will Be Charged With Crimes Against Humanity

Last week, a judge refused to dismiss the lawsuit against Scott Lively stemming from his anti-gay advocacy in Uganda.  Today, his lawyer, Harry Mihet of Liberty Counsel, appeared on Bryan Fischer's radio program to discuss the lawsuit, where the two of them speculated that if it succeeds, then anyone who would dare to testify against or oppose a law like the Employment Nondiscrimination Act could be prosecuted for committing crimes against humanity.

"If that is allowed to succeed in the Scott Lively case," Mihet said, "then the very next and logical step would be to take anyone that would oppose legislation in ENDA in the US and to have the charged with international human rights violations, the most heinous of crimes, crimes against humanity, or persecution for doing nothing more than exercising their rights to speak their minds on an issue of public importance in the public square.  At some point, we have to ask ourselves are we still a free country, governed by a constitution with a First Amendment or are we entering an era of fascism when it comes to this issue":