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Fischer: If You're Going To Take Down The Confederate Flag, You Should Also Remove 'The Rainbow Flag Of The Gay Reich'

On his radio program today(link is external), Bryan Fischer once again(link is external) contributed some of his typically well-reasoned and insightful thoughts on the controversy over the Confederate flag by demanding that if this flag is going to be removed, so too should the rainbow flag, which is the symbol of "the Gay Reich."

"If we are going to remove symbols of oppression from our culture," Fischer said, "if we come to the point where we say any flag that represents bigotry, any flag that represents hatred, any flag that represents slavery or oppression needs to be removed, then I want to suggest to you that the next flag to go ought to be the rainbow flag of the Gay Reich."

"The rainbow flag represents the gay lobby, it represents Big Gay, it represents what I'm calling for the first time today, I'm introducing a new term: the Gay Reich," he continued. "They've got a flag just like the Nazis had their flag."

"That flag is a symbol of slavery and oppression and bigotry and prejudice and bias," Fischer said(link is external). "So if we're going to go after symbols of oppression, we ought to make the rainbow flag the next target for removal in our culture."