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Fischer: African Americans Need Welfare like 'Drug-Addled Addicts,' Practicing 'Idolatry'

Yesterday on Focal Point, American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer said he has no idea why African Americans support President Obama and other Democratic candidates in such high numbers. His only explanation was that the “Democrat Party” got African Americans “hooked” on government welfare like “drug-addled addicts” who “hook up with their supplier once a month” and “get their fix.” He claimed Democrats “want slaves” just like in “pre-Civil War days” and have been able to accomplish their goal by turning government into “one big giant methadone clinic.”

Black voters, Fischer said, are practicing “a form of idolatry” and therefore violating the Ten Commandments by supporting Democratic candidates and staying “on the Democratic plantation.” While the Democratic Party ushered in civil rights legislation – as southern “Dixiecrats” broke with the Democrats and left for the Republican Party, which welcomed them with open arms – Fischer once again distorted the historical record and said Democrats were hostile to the civil rights movement.


The Democrats as a party, I believe, they want slaves, they want Americans to be as slavishly dependent upon the central government as slaves were upon their masters in pre-Civil War days, that’s what they want. That’s why they’re trying to hand out goodies and dish out goodies to get them completely dependent because then they’ll know that they can count on them and count on their votes, they’re going to vote for whatever party is promising them the most goodies. We were talking this morning about how in the world is it that African Americans still support the Democratic Party? How can you explain that, when the Democratic Party is the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, lynch mobs, the party that filibustered the Civil Rights Act, how can you explain this?

The only reason we can see why the Democrat Party still has support in the African American community is because the Democrat Party promises them more goodies, the Democrat Party is handing out stuff, basically getting them addicted. It’s like the government is one big giant methadone clinic and they’re just handing out these injections to people in the form of welfare benefits to get them hooked, so they got to hook up with their supplier once a month, they got to get their fix, they got to hook up with their dealer on a street corner once a month and get their fix from the federal government. They’re like drug-addled addicts and the Democrat Party has gotten them addicted to welfare benefits. That apparently is the only reason they continue to support this party.

I think what keeps the African American community in the Democratic and on the Democratic plantation is the promise of goodies, it’s the promise of welfare, it’s the promise of benefits. That’s what keeps them on the Democratic platform as much as anything. So that’s just a form of idolatry, they put money ahead of principle. If they’re going to give me stuff, that’s materialism, that’s greed, that’s a violation of the Ten Commandments, they’re going to stick that in front of me I’m going to vote for them no matter what.