Earlier this month, far-right anti-LGBTQ pastor and conspiracy theorist Jack Hibbs posted a bizarre rant on his YouTube channel in which he repeatedly declared that the United States under President Joe Biden has become a "schizophrenic nation" because it has "rejected God."
Lamenting "America's Sickness," as the video was titled, Hibbs fumed over seeing needle disposal containers in airport bathrooms during his travels across the nation. Even after acknowledging that they exist to provide those who require medical injections, like diabetics, with a place to dispose of used needles, Hibbs was nonetheless outraged.
"When you go into the men's bathroom, the first thing that you see hanging on the wall are waste containers for needle users," Hibbs griped. "You say, 'Well, that's for diabetics.' That's funny, we never had that before. All of a sudden, it's okay America, be doped up out of your mind, shoot up, be stoned, do whatever is right in your own eyes."
Hibbs then pivoted to complaining that the southern border is "wide open" and, as a result, "we're bringing in soldiers that are going to kill us and attack us."
"I think Tijuana, I think across the border in Mexico, I think that's Gaza," Hibbs declared. "That's the U.S.'s Gaza forming. I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing rockets being launched from Mexico into Mission Bay [in California], attacking the Navy, attacking homes. I wouldn't doubt it."
"The reason why this has happened is because America has forgotten God as a nation," Hibbs proclaimed. "We've got believers like [House Speaker] Mike Johnson in the place of power, but we have lunatics like 'The Squad,' [Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez]—a bartender!—making decisions that will affect your children and your children's children."