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Family Research Institute: 'Capital Punishment Is Warranted' For Homosexuality

After endorsing Uganda’s crackdown on gay people, the Family Research Institute has posted another statement saluting the country for deciding to “be harsh with those who choose to act on homosexual desires.”

The group, which is led by Paul Cameron, also insisted that the death penalty remain an option in punishing gays: “Depending on the severity of the homosexual offense, a fine, prison time or even capital punishment is warranted. The most important thing is to make it illegal, and thus keep those who fancy it (or seem addicted to it), off the streets, out of schools, with no ‘right’ to proselytize or advertise their preferences. (Current Russian law tries to do this without making the activity illegal; in most of the West, it must be made illegal first.)”

The FRI isn’t the only Religious Right group sympathetic to Uganda’s anti-gay stance: the American Family Association and the Family Research Council have also defended the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill.

After comparing homosexuality to incest, rape, bestiality and child abuse—and even arguing that one out of three gay men are guilty of “molesting/raping children or teens”—the group argued that gay people don’t exist. The FRI reasons that a person who identifies as gay is no different from those who see themselves as “Krafts” because they “so strongly prefer Kraft Macaroni and Cheese that the will eat almost nothing else.”

In a sense, there are no ‘homosexuals.’ The Apostle Paul condemns ‘males who have sex with males,’ which is both more precise and less deceptive than labeling as ‘homosexuals’ those who act upon their homosexual desires. Gay activists and the psychiatric professions have reason to use the term “homosexuals” – the former to ‘be a people’ and the latter to bill for a ‘condition.’ But those who so strongly prefer Kraft Macaroni and Cheese that they will eat almost nothing else are no more ‘Krafts’ than those are ‘homosexuals’ who so strongly prefer homosexual sex that they will seldom have heterosexual sex.

The reality is that the vast majority of males who have sex with males have also had sex with females, and almost all females who have had sex with females have had sex with males! ‘Gays’ and ‘lesbians’ may currently prefer sex with others of their sex, but they will, and do, have sex with the opposite sex depending on the situation. Indeed, a large minority of gays and a majority of lesbians report having “been in love with” a member of the opposite sex. We agree with Alfred Kinsey that homosexual interests are a ‘preference.’ The use of the weird term ‘orientation’ is largely to obfuscate the fact that who you have sex with is a choice and not at all necessary to survive, unlike, say, breathing or eating.

Not all sin warrants public laws against it. But many sins do, including many sexual sins. In the past, the Christian Church saw fit to lobby for public legal sanctions against fornication, rape, adultery, divorce, bestiality, incest, child molestation, etc. Some of those sanctions are still on the books and enforced, with little complaint (e.g., rape, child molestation). Until quite recently, homosexual activity also was illegal everywhere in the United States – in direct line with Christian influence – along with almost every other country.

But now under pressure from gay activists and the apathy of a modern Church which is frankly ignorant of the destructive consequences of homosexual behavior and eager to regard homosexuality as a kind of ‘victimless crime’ even if perhaps still sinful (similar to fornication, adultery, or divorce), American legal sanctions against homosexuality have been expunged and the race begun toward full gay marriage rights.

The historic Christian Church lobbied for laws against homosexual behavior, deeming it a personal and societal threat. Today, we should do no less. Depending on the severity of the homosexual offense, a fine, prison time or even capital punishment is warranted. The most important thing is to make it illegal, and thus keep those who fancy it (or seem addicted to it), off the streets, out of schools, with no ‘right’ to proselytize or advertise their preferences. (Current Russian law tries to do this without making the activity illegal; in most of the West, it must be made illegal first.)

Once it is legalized, homosexuality seeks to grow. Many of those ‘sold out’ to homosexual desires (e.g., ‘gays’) seek boys (and sometimes girls) to corrupt into their image. Since a quarter of gays admit to molesting/raping children or teens, and about one of every 7 gay priests has been caught molesting/raping children or teens, it is quite possible that at least a third of men with homosexual interests have done the same.

Indeed, if Uganda is to learn anything from us, it is to be harsh with those who choose to act on homosexual desires. Uganda, especially its boys, will suffer otherwise.