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E.W. Jackson: Blacks are Selling Themselves into Slavery By Supporting the Democratic Party

Last week we noted that E.W. Jackson has launched an effort to lead "a mass Exodus of Christians from the Democrat party" on the grounds that the party has turned its back on God.

Earlier this week, Jackson released a new video as part of this effort in which he blasted the Democratic Party for its ties to Planned Parenthood, which "has been far more lethal to Black lives than the KKK ever was," and for comparing the fight for marriage equality to the fight for civil rights, which Jackson called "an outrageous lie" and "an insult to human intelligence." 

Jackson went on to declare that "our ancestors were sold against their will centuries ago, but we're going to the slave market voluntarily today" by supporting the Democratic Party which has "become anti-Christian, anti-church, anti-Bible, anti-life, anti-family, and anti-God."  As such, "it is time to come out of the Democrat Party and to refuse to support its candidates in their rebellion against God":