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Dusty Deevers Is A Case Study In Christian Nationalism

Official photo of Dusty Deevers

Right-wing activists and members of Congress are currently spreading a conspiracy theory that the Biden administration is preparing to hand over American sovereignty to the World Health Organization. It's not true, but among those sounding the alarm is Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers, a far-right pastor and unabashed Christian nationalist who literally wants to see this nation taken back to the 1600s.

On Tuesday, Deevers joined other far-right activists like Frank Gaffney, John Bennett, and Paul Blair at a rally demanding that the Oklahoma legislature pass a bill that "would deny the WHO, WEF and UN any jurisdiction in Oklahoma."

In keeping with Deevers' rabidly Christian nationalist approach to governing, the speech he delivered spent little time discussing the legislation so that he could focus primarily on making the case for theocracy.

"Christ rose from the dead," Deevers declared. "Forty days later, he was seated at the right hand of the Father on high. And at that moment, the Father gave him the nations and he set him above every authority in every name that is named in Heaven and on Earth and under the Earth. Christ is Lord of Lords. He is King of Kings. He is the sovereign."

"Why has God set the peoples, the times, and the places of the nations?" Deevers asked. "They exist for the glory of the son. They exist for Christ to rule over them. Jesus has been given the nations as his heritage. You either submit to God through Jesus Christ, or even nations will submit to the enemy of their souls—the serpent—in that age old warfare that we are facing."

Asserting that the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nation, and the Council on Foreign Relations have all "set themselves against the Lord," Deevers warned that "if we do not stand up to these global bodies, who are usurpers, then it will be to our own demise and our own judgment."

"We can have Christ as king or we can have Christ's judgment. Which do you want?" Deevers asked. "Because Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, he is the only rightful ruler with sovereign jurisdiction over all the world and all the peoples, of all times and all places. Therefore, nations will rise and fall on the basis of their submission to Christ! Serve him. Kiss the son."

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