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Donald Trump Can't Say How He'd Improve Veterans System

Donald Trump appeared today on conservative broadcaster Dana Loesch’s radio show, where he continued to push back against media coverage of his remarks disparaging John McCain and POWs. “I like people who weren't captured,” Trump said during last week’s Family Leadership Summit, mocking the idea that McCain, a Vietnam War POW, was a hero. Trump now says that he didn’t say what he said, insisting that he is being victimized by the liberal media and was simply angry about the fact that McCain has “done nothing to help the vets.”

Trump continued this message on Loesch’s show, once again arguing that his much-maligned comment was “absolutely perfect” while criticizing McCain for supposedly failing veterans.

Eventually, Loesch repeatedly asked the GOP presidential frontrunner “what would Donald Trump do in a Trump administration to improve” the Veterans Affairs system.

Rather than offer specifics, Trump simply boasted about his experience in business management — “I managed a great company, I built a great company” — and criticized U.S. trade relations with China, Japan and Mexico. He also bragged about the simple fact that he is a candidate for president.