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Did You Know that Marriage Equality Has Invited the Wrath of God on Maine?

The American Family Association’s Illinois affiliate is calling in the big guns in its effort to defeat a proposed marriage equality bill in the state. The Illinois Family Institute sent out a fundraising email today with a message from Michael Heath, a leading anti-gay figure in Maine. In his message, Heath warns Illinoisans that since passing marriage equality legislation by popular referendum last year, Maine has “handed the sodomy movement the keys to Maine’s home” and is now experiencing God’s “judgment and destruction.”

Heath last made headlines when he held a press conference applauding Gov. Paul LePage for his notorious “Vaseline” comment.

In the late 1980′s God placed me at the Christian Civic League of Maine.  Formed in 1897 by clergy, laymen and academics the League fought throughout the 20th century to keep Christianity at life’s center in Maine.  I was often told by politicians that the League is the conscience of Maine.

Shortly after my arrival at the League the men who led the ministry, all of them respected leaders in their communities, decided that the matter of “gay” rights must be addressed by the League.  We realized that Satan was rapidly undermining sexual rules — written and unwritten — that protected all the people of Maine.

Adding the phrase “sexual orientation” to other minority designations in our human rights laws would lead only to mischief.  We noted that no other institution was stepping up to defend common sense.

To their credit these men put the League on the firing line in this battle.  Throughout the 1990′s we remained firm in our resolve to resist.  Our efforts bore much fruit.

Homosexuality was hotly debated for twenty years.  The Christian Civic League of Maine proved to be the only institution with the will to fight.  Overwhelmed, wearied and confused by years of  attacks of all kinds a slim majority of Mainers grudgingly handed the sodomy movement the keys to Maine’s home. 

Tragically marriage, family, decency and common sense are all collapsing in the Pine Tree State.  The truths of Genesis 19 and Romans 1 are becoming evident.

I am encouraged by the efforts of Dave Smith and the Illinois Family Institute to avert this same disaster in the Midwest.

Fourteen states have fallen to the radical homosexual agenda.  New Jersey is the latest state to pledge obeisance to this evil.  And make no mistake, a society’s decision to turn it’s back on God’s definition of marriage can end only one way. 

Judgment and destruction.

Now is the time for Christians everywhere to increase their commitment to groups like the Illinois Family Institute.  No matter what happens this year with the marriage debate Christians must deepen their resolve to live as Christians in our modern world.  We must choose to do this out of love for God and our fellow man.

Sexual sin is a destroyer.  Jesus Christ is the creator.  We are His creation, and we must defend and assert this proposition relentlessly in America.

In God we Trust.