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Derbyshire: 'Future Of The Conservative Movement Is As A Home For White Ethnocentrism'

John Derbyshire is the columnist and one-time CPAC panelist who was fired from his job at the National Review after he wrote a particularly racist rant, and has now set up shop at the white nationalist site VDARE.

Although he has been largely ostracized by the mainstream media, Derbyshire occasionally still turns up on the fringe, most recently in a series of interviews with blogger Joseph Cotto, who frequently writes up interviews of various fringe-right figures for the open “communities” section of the Washington Times. Cotto posted two interviews with Derbyshire on another platform, Communities Digital News, this week, in which Derbyshire attacks the “mealy-mouthed cringing betas” at the head of the Republican Party and declares that “the future of the conservative movement is as a home for white ethnocentrism.”

Speaking with Cotto about efforts to expand the Republican base, Derbyshire says he is “deeply pessimistic” because “practically all educated black Americans, for example, are communists” and “white conservatives are the only people in the U.S.A. trying to ‘transcend contentious racial issues.’"

He concludes that he is forced to agree with his “friend,” white nationalist Jared Taylor that “whites may as well start asserting themselves and join in fighting for the spoils. If that’s right, ‘colorblind conservatism’ is a dead end, and the future of the conservative movement is as a home for white ethnocentrism.”

Making the Republican Party more inclusive is a big goal of center-right politicos these days. Nonetheless, minorities are still not flocking to right-of-center candidates. What can be said about this delicate matter?

John Derbyshire tells Communities Digital News that he is “(d)eeply pessimistic”.

Derbyshire continues: “‘Not flocking’ is putting it mildly. Practically all educated black Americans, for example, are communists. And white conservatives are the **only** people in the U.S.A. trying to ‘transcend contentious racial issues.’ Everyone else is keenly exploiting them for group advantage and personal enrichment.

“Integration has occurred in some of the upper strata of our society, but everywhere else ethnic disaggregation proceeds apace. I’m an integrationist personally (very personally) but the trend lines are plain.

“I am reluctantly coming to agree with my friend Jared Taylor of American Renaissance: whites may as well start asserting themselves and join in fighting for the spoils.

“If that’s right, ‘colorblind conservatism’ is a dead end, and the future of the conservative movement is as a home for white ethnocentrism.”

In a separate article, Cotto reports that Derbyshire is equally pessimistic about bringing more women into the Republican fold: “Women are just like that. One thing we might try would be putting some alpha males up front, instead of mealy-mouthed cringing betas.” He then recommends that conservative strategists “study” an obscure, obsessively misogynistic blog.

With women playing a more prominent role not just in electoral politics, but also political activism and punditry, issues which relate to them garner immense attention. This has left the GOP at a challenging crossroads; confronted with the decision of placating its fundamentalist Christian voting bloc or acquiescing to the demands of late-period feminists.

In such a situation, little ground is left for the voices of moderation.

Regardless of one’s views, it is undeniable that many across the country fear certain conservatives are attempting to erode women’s rights. What should conservatives do to increase their share of the female vote?

“I doubt they can do much,” John Derbyshire explains to Communities Digital News. One of America’s more notable conservative commentators for decades, Derbyshire became a virtual household name in early 2012. This is when he was fired from his longtime post at the National Review.

“Women are just like that,” Derbyshire continues. “One thing we might try would be putting some alpha males up front, instead of mealy-mouthed cringing betas. Conservative strategists should all study the Chateau Heartiste blog , though without telling anyone they are doing so.”