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Death-to-Gays Pastor Kevin Swanson Delivered the Invocation Before a Colorado Government Meeting

Last Wednesday, the Board of County Commissioners in Elbert County, Colorado, held a commission meeting at which radical anti-LGBTQ pastor Kevin Swanson was invited to deliver the opening prayer:

Swanson is a "teaching elder" at Reformation Church, as well as a right-wing radio host who has repeatedly used his "Generations" program to declare that the proper biblical punishment for homosexuality is death. Swanson also openly endorsed that position at a "National Religious Liberties Conference” he hosted in 2015, at which Republican presidential hopefuls Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal all spoke.

During that same conference, Swanson vowed that if one of his own children was gay and attempted to get married, he would smear himself in cow manure and wail lamentations outside the venue:

Recently, Swanson warned that God will "cut down" pop star Taylor Swift for releasing a pro-LGBTQ song, and declared that the wildfires that ravaged California last year were God’s punishment on the state for its years of attempting to “legitimize the sin of homosexuality." Such comments are par for the course for Swanson, whose outrageous views we have chronicled for years: