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David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image

Yesterday on his radio show, former KKK leader David Duke reiterated his praise for Donald Trump, saying that critics’ attempts to compare the GOP presidential frontrunner to Adolf Hitler will backfire and end up “rehabilitating that fellow with the mustache back there in Germany.”

He also urged listeners to continue to support Trump before the government wipes out “the European-American majority.”

The reason there’s a war on Donald Trump is because there’s a war on the real America, there’s a war on the European-American majority of the United States of America. The media has been the ones inciting hatred and violence. They have portrayed Donald Trump as a vicious racist who basically wants to create a Hitlerian regime; that’s what they present him as, which is, of course, the biggest boogeyman and the most hateful thing these days you can say about something. There’s millions of movies, programs, speeches, invoking — that is like invoking the great Satan in our society and that’s what they invoke of Donald Trump. And whatever you want to say about Donald Trump, there’s no way you can say any of this stuff, it’s crazy, but they say this.

The truth is, by the way, they might be rehabilitating that fellow with the mustache back there in Germany, because I saw a commercial against Donald Trump, a really vicious commercial, comparing what Donald Trump said about preserving America and making America great again to Hitler in Germany preserving Germany and making Germany great again and free again and not beholden to these Communists on one side, politically who were trying to destroy their land and their freedom, and the Jewish capitalists on the other, who were ripping off the nation through the banking system. We have the same thing going on here with Goldman Sachs. It was a commercial, I saw that this morning and I was amazed by that commercial. It was a commercial against Trump but I don’t think it’s having the effect that they want it to have.

This war that’s going on against Donald Trump is really a war going on against America, it’s a war going on against the European-American majority. The media has incited hatred and violence and repression of Donald Trump and the hundreds of thousands, the millions of people who support him, and that’s what happened in Chicago.

You know, if you love your country and if you love, or at least what your country is supposed to represent, what it originally represented, because I don’t know if we can everything love our government — we certainly can’t love everything our government is doing today because the leaders of this country, the people who have control over this country, are purposefully wiping ... If you’re a European person, the government is purposefully wiping you out and your families and your children and your future. They are purposefully transforming this country into a Third World nation. And if you want to see the direction of this country, just look at a Communist here, Bernie Sanders, running and winning a lot of victories in major states, and who is a former Communist and is a Marxist right now, folks.