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CWA: Same-Sex Parents Use Children As "Guinea Pigs"

Janice Shaw Crouse of Concerned Women for America’s Beverly LaHaye Institute is speaking out against a bill proposed by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) that would eliminate discrimination against same-sex couples in the adoption and foster care process. Crouse told the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow that “the data overwhelmingly says” that homes headed by same-sex couples “are not as good for children.” She went on to say that the “homosexual agenda” is “being advanced at the expense of our children and at the expense of the future of our country” and that we are witnessing “children who are being used as guinea pigs.”

Of course, the data actually shows the opposite.

“Fears about children of lesbian or gay parents being sexually abused by adults, ostracized by peers, or isolated in single-sex lesbian or gay communities have received no scientific support,” writes the American Psychological Association. “Overall, results of research suggest that the development, adjustment, and well-being of children with lesbian and gay parents do not differ markedly from that of children with heterosexual parents.”

Last year, a twenty-five year study following children born to lesbian parents published in Pediatrics confirmed “[p]revious studies [which] have found no significant differences in psychological health between children reared by lesbian or heterosexual parents” and even found that “the children of lesbian mothers were rated significantly higher in social, school/academic, and total competence. They were rated significantly lower in social problems, rule breaking, and aggressive problems.”

But Crouse doesn’t let actual research come in the way of her zealous opposition to gay equality:

A conservative Christian public policy group does not agree with a bill under consideration in the Senate that encourages adoption agencies to permit lesbian, "gay," bisexual, and transgender couples to adopt children.

Janice Crouse of Concerned Women for America (CWA) tells OneNewsNow that the "Every Child Deserves a Family Act," introduced by New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D), is an experiment that should not be taking place.

"Something around 65,000 adopted children and 14,000 foster children live in homes that are headed by non-heterosexuals, and yet the data very overwhelmingly says these homes are not as good for children," Crouse notes. "They don't even come close to being as good for children as a married couple -- mom and dad -- family."

And she suggests the measure is not so much about the children as it is about advancing the homosexual agenda.

"That agenda is being advanced at the expense of our children and at the expense of the future of our country," the CWA spokesperson laments. "When you have children who are being used as guinea pigs like this, it's totally unwarranted."