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Conservatives React To Gay Marriage Ruling: End Times! God's Wrath! Civil War!

The right-wing outrage machine has moved into high-gear following the Supreme Court’s ruling to uphold marriage equality, with anti-gay activists vowing to defy the decision.

Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association (AFA) called the ruling a “spiritual 9/11”:

"We're not surprised but extremely disappointed by the Supreme Court's decision. I fear for our country, quite frankly, because this is a spiritual 9/11, I believe. We have said to God Almighty, We don't care what you say about marriage and your definition of what's natural and normal.

AFA’s J.J. Jasper warned of human-pet marriage, while Wildmon blamed the ruling on the 1987 defeat of Robert Bork’s Supreme Court nomination, which paved the way for Justice Kennedy’s appointment. “It feels like the beginning of the end,” Jasper said.

Former Rep. Allen West, who now heads the National Center for Policy Analysis, posted a column entitled, “Why the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage could lead to civil war.”

With this ruling, the Supreme Court is essentially saying individuals have civil rights based on their sexual behavior, and setting up a monumental battle with the free exercise of religion. This could well be the straw that breaks the camel’s back – that camel being the up till now silent, passive Americans who have been cowed into “tolerating” societal changes that go counter to their fundamental beliefs.

The SCOTUS decision on same-sex marriage is not about the issue itself — it is about individual religious freedom and the imposition of the State’s will against faith. After all, it is the original reason why the Pilgrims fled England. And since there is no place for men and women of faith to retreat — they will make a stand. This ain’t first century Rome.

Bill Muehlenberg of BarbWire said that we are now officially in the End Times due to “this homo-fascist decision”:

If ever a time the phrase “Now the end begins” meant something, it is now.

In a decision just as sinister, far-reaching and abominable as the 1973 Roe v Wade decision on abortion, the Supreme Court of the United States has just declared that reality and biology no longer exist, and we can now declare marriage to be whatever we want it to be.

Judicial activism at its worst has once again struck America. Instead of allowing the American people to decide, five judges have decided for them, and have declared war on marriage, on God, on morality, on family, and on our children.

This is a declaration of war by five judges who have spat in the face of their Creator, of marriage, of biology, and freedom. Now a major proper response for Christians and others is massive civil disobedience and defiance of this homo-fascist decision.