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Conservative Author: Voters 'Really Screwed Us Up Big-Time' By Ignoring Obama's 'Extremely Unusual' Upbringing

Joe Miller, the onetime Alaska GOP Senate candidate who is now the host of a fringy radio program, brought on Grove City College professor Paul Kengor this week to discuss Kengor’s book discussing President Obama’s connections to a childhood family friend, Frank Marshall Davis, who Kengor contends mentored the president and instilled in him a communist worldview.

“It’s pretty amazing that we’ve got a guy sitting in the Oval Office that was by his own admission mentored at least a dozen times by a card-carrying member of the Communist Party,” Miller said. “And then you combine with that his childhood experience growing up in Indonesia.”

“It’s a verified report, his mom was invited to a party of ex-pats in Indonesia and she declined, saying ‘those aren’t my people.’ And that was the environment that our current president was raised in,” Miller claimed. (In fact, Obama recalled in his memoir “Dreams From My Father” that his mother argued with her husband Lolo Soetoro about attending his “company dinner parties,” saying that his American colleagues were “not my people”; she wasn’t referring to Americans in general.)

“Yeah, that’s right,” Kengor agreed. “And again, the people listening, especially any liberals who are listening who don’t like any of this, find for me any other president on the right or the left, Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, who has an upbringing like this. I mean, there flat-out aren’t any. This is extremely unusual.”

Kengor added that Rudy Giuliani was right when he questioned whether the president loves America.

“So that’s why someone like Rudy Giuliani, who got in a lot of trouble for this a few weeks ago, when he comes out and everybody’s scratching their heads and perplexed about why Obama acts the way he does toward the Iranians, toward the Israelis, why he won’t mention the words ‘radical Islam’ together, why has he kind of curious, baffling policies that are hard to understand,” he said. “Well, what Rudy Giuliani said was exactly right.”

Later in the interview, Kengor took particular issue with “Sex Rebel,” an erotic novel thought to have been penned by Davis.

“You can’t make this stuff up,” he said. “This is a really weird, really strange, really bad environment, and the American people really screwed us up big-time in electing somebody and not caring about any of this radical stuff in his background.”