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CBN Hosts Mar-A-Lago Gala, Gets Presidential Endorsement Of Correspondent’s ‘Spiritual Biography’

President Trump speaks with the Christian Broadcasting Network's David Brody at a CBN event at Mar-a-Lago in February 2018. (Screenshot: Twitter)

On Saturday night, President Trump dropped by a gala hosted by a charity affiliated with Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network, which reportedly had been planned just so that it could be hosted at Trump’s “Winter White House” in Florida.

Last year, the Washington Post reported that even as other charities were fleeing Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, CBN decided “to hold its first Palm Beach fundraiser gala for its charity Orphan’s Promise” and that event was “meant for Trump’s club.”

Since his presidential campaign, CBN has been a safe space for Trump to answer hard-hitting questions such as whether his run for office was “a divine calling.” Since becoming president, Trump has given two sit-down interviews to CBN. In an interview with CBN’s David Brody soon after his inauguration, Trump spoke of the media as “the opposition party,” making an exception for people “like yourself.” Brody himself has been critical of the mainstream media: earlier this year, he tweeted out an email from Christian-nation operative David Lane that claimed that CNN had “forfeited its right to broadcast” thanks to a New Year’s Eve special that he found offensive.

Trump has also enjoyed overwhelmingly positive coverage on Robertson’s daily “700 Club” program, where Robertson has credited God for putting Trump in the White House and linked disrespect for Trump to violence such as the mass shooting in Las Vegas last year.

The CBN gala happened to coincide with the release of a new book by Brody, a “spiritual biography” of the president called “The Faith of Donald J. Trump.” Yesterday, Trump tweeted out an endorsement of the book: