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C-FAM Busy Fighting The ‘Fiends Of Darkness’ At UN Commission On The Status Of Women

United Nations Headquarters in New York City
United Nations Headquarters in New York City. (Photo: Shutterstock/Osugi)

Last year, the Trump administrated invited a representative from Austin Ruse’s C-Fam—which works with some of the world's most repressive regimes to resist reproductive rights and LGBTQ equality at the UN—to join the official U.S. delegation to the UN Commission on the Status of Women. This year, C-Fam isn’t in the official delegation, but Ruse is fundraising off his group’s advocacy against the inclusion of “dastardly phrases” such as “sexual orientation” and “reproductive health” in commission documents.

Ruse wrote in a fundraising email yesterday (emphases his):

The bad news is that “sexual orientation”, “gender identity”, “reproductive health”, and “comprehensive sexuality education” are all in the CSW documents we have been negotiating at the UN since last Monday.

The good news is that each of these dastardly phrases have been bracketed and are on the verge of being deleted altogether.

We have been working on this literally for months and we are on the verge of a great victory against the fiends of darkness.

As you know,

  • Sexual orientation and gender identity is code for odious sexual behavior and gender lunacy,
  • Reproductive health is code for abortion,
  • Comprehensive sexuality education is a blue-print for kids to lose their lives and their souls.

These wicked ideas are being pushed by hard-leftists at the UN and by diplomats from Europe.

But, they did not count on the pro-life and pro-family coalition!

We have five more days of negotiations before we know whether we have routed the enemy. …

Anti-LGBTQ activist Brian Brown is also fundraising off his International Organization for the Family’s work fighting “the agenda of sexual radicals” at the UN meetings. From a Friday email:

This week and next we are hard at work at UN headquarters in New York standing up for the interests of women and children as part of the UN's 62nd annual session of its Commission on the Status of Women, which involves delegates from member nations as well as representatives of accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The gathering is frequently used by groups on the left to press the agenda of sexual radicals, including abortion, gay marriage, and gender identity policies. IOF is an accredited NGO, and we are one of only a small number of pro-family groups pushing back against the so-called progressives.

For this year’s Commission meeting, in addition to meeting with delegates, we have produced and made available to over 150 missions an important resource, co-signed by eleven other organizations, urging delegates in their negotiations to follow foundational principles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, such as the truth that "the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society, and is entitled to protection by society and the State," and that “motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance.” IOF is on the forefront of insisting that these principles be respected in UN deliberations, not only at this year’s session on women but also on an ongoing basis in future negotiations and conferences.

And it was only last month that we hosted an exhibit at another major meeting at UN headquarters, the Commission for Social Development, where we distributed cutting-edge books we have produced showing the indispensable role of the family in sustainable development. Colleagues commented that it was one of the most impactful pro-family events they had ever seen at the UN, as we spoke with representatives from many countries including Congo, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Malawi, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Palestine, Qatar, Russia, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Zambia.