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Bryan Fischer: The Solution to Climate Change is to 'Repent of Our Sin'

On last Friday's episode of his "Focal Point" radio program, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer declared that droughts and storms and natural disasters are not being caused by climate change, but rather are the result of "the sin of man."

Fischer was discussing a passage from 2 Chronicles in which God says that "when I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Fischer took this verse as evidence that all natural disasters are the result of human sin and can be stopped by repentance.

"We're talking here about what our environmentalist friends would call extreme weather," he said. "Everything is the fault of global warming to them: We're going to have more droughts because of global warming; we're going to have more extreme weather because of global warming; we're going to have more cyclones because of global warming; we're going to have more tornadoes because of global warming."

"The problem is not global warming," Fischer continued. "The problem is the sin of man. And the sin of man—not pumping CO2 into the air—but the sin of man is not following the rules and the statues of God. That's the sin. In time, the penalty for that sin is the heavens are shut up, there's no rain, there's a drought, animals are dying, crops are not growing."

"The solution is not to go to Congress and get them to crack down carbon emissions," Fischer said. "The solution is to go before God on our faces and repent of our sin."