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Bryan Fischer: 'The Proper Christian Response' To A Gay Couple's Wedding Is 'Grief And Sorrow'

Bryan Fischer invited Peter LaBarbera on to his radio program today so that LaBarbera could share his "research" on which of the GOP presidential candidates are insufficiently anti-gay and therefore should not receive the support of conservative Christian voters this primary season.

Donald Trump was at the top of the list, LaBarbera explained, because he once attended a gay wedding and called it "beautiful."

"Trump went to a so-called gay wedding himself of a friend in New York," LaBarbera said, "and he was quoted as saying, 'It was a beautiful thing.' Trump said that the gay wedding, so-called, that he went to between two men was a beautiful thing. And you have to ask yourself, Bryan, how many Christians ... would say that a homosexual so-called marriage is a beautiful thing?"

Fischer, of course, totally agreed.

"If you have a biblical worldview, you'd be grieved for them," he said. "You'd be grieved for what they're heading into, grieved for the way in which homosexual behavior separates them from God, the risks that it's putting them at, the risk that it's going to put children to if they're adopted into that household. So the proper response would not be joy, it would not be celebration; the proper Christian response would grief and sorrow over what these two people are doing to themselves and also to others."