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Bryan Fischer Interviews Rep. Michele Bachmann About Her Possible Presidential Run

Earlier this month, we noted that Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Haley Barbour, David Barton, and Michele Bachmann were going to be coming together for a "Rediscover God in America" webcast.

Today, they all gathered in Iowa to record the event and Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association was on hand to broadcast his daily radio program and Bachmann joined him in person in his remote studio to discuss the news that she was going to be forming an presidential exploratory committee.  Bachmann confirmed to Fischer that she would make a decision by early summer and that, if she did decide to run, using the natural resources that "God has given us" would be part of her energy platform:

Here is the entire interview during which they discuss Libya and the possibility of impeaching President Obama as well as the Continuing Resolutions and raising the Debt Ceiling: