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Bryan Fischer Goes Completely Off The Rails

One of the most amazing things about the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer is his ability to outdo himself on an almost daily basis. 

About a year ago, we wrote an entire report(link is external) chronicling all of the bigoted and crazy things he had said to date and since its publication, Fischer(link is external) has(link is external) said(link is external) dozens(link is external) of(link is external) new(link is external) things(link is external) that make the things in the report pale in comparison.  And every time we post some new display of Fischer's lunacy and think he could not possibly surpass it, he manages to prove us wrong. 

And last Friday(link is external), he did so again, declaring(link is external) that he honestly believes that President Obama is out to destroy America because he thinks our country "is one big, giant Ku Klux Klan meeting":

And I believe I understand now what Barack Obama is about. And it is intentional, it is not ineptitude on his part, it is intentional and his mission in life is to punish the United States for being a racist country. That's what drives him, it's what animates him, it's what energizes every single thing he does; to punish this country, to cut it down to size, to wound it, to hurt it, to damage it, to diminish it in order to punish the United States for being a racist country.


To Barack Obama, the entire United States of America is one big, giant Ku Klux Klan and the Constitution, for Barack Obama, is the membership charter for this giant Ku Klux Klan ... And I honestly believe that this is how Barack Obama sees the United States of America; one big, giant Ku Klux Klan meeting and it's his job to punish the Ku Klux Klan, which is the United States of America in his worldview.

That was immediately followed by Fischer unveiling a conspiracy theory(link is external) in which the Department of Homeland Security is hording ammunition in order to keep it out of the hands of the military and local police forces because DHS officers are going to be using that ammunition against us:

I talked with a law enforcement officer this week, a well-respected man, I've got a lot of respect for this guy and he says "look, I'm in law enforcement; we have to get ammo for our officers [and] we're having a tough time getting ammo. And I've been hearing from other people that Homeland Security, DHS is buying up virtually all of the ammunition that's being produced by munitions manufacturers. They're buying it up; million, and million, and million of rounds."

This is not for the military, this is for Homeland Security. Who are they going to turn that ammunition on? They're going to turn it on us! That ammunition is not going to fight our enemies abroad; it's being used to arm agents of the Department of Homeland Security. Well, who are they going to be going after? They're going to be going after us!