As we noted several times in the past, Sen. Sam Brownback lived with Lou Engle for several months after his condo burned down, during which time Engle prophesized that Brownback would become President:
As I was mobilizing for Boston I said to kids in California ‘we need to dig the dwells of revival in Harvard and close the door of false ideologies that have come through Boston’. Amazingly a week later, I received a phone call from the US Senator from Kansas, Senator Sam Brownback, he’s a godly man. He calls me up, he says ‘Lou, I’m in England, you need to dig the dwells of revival in Harvard and close the door of false ideologies that have come through Boston’. Almost word for word. A Senator was prophesizing me, glory to God.
In fact, it was prophesized to me that I would be connected with a man named Senator Sam Brownback from Kansas. But I forgot about the prophecy, so when I rented a condo in DC to mobilize for The Call, a week later I received a phone call from the owner of the condo and he said ‘there’s a man named Senator Sam Brownback. His condo just burnt down, he wants to know if he could stay in your condo’. I became the room mate of Senator Brownback for 7 months. We began to get dreams that he would be the president of the United States and right now, who knows? We are praying.
You can see the video here which, a few months ago, became an issue in Kansas where Brownback is now running for Governor.
And now, as Sam Stein reports, Brownback has been asked about it and admits that some of Engle's views are rather worrisome:
Voter: Hi Senator, thanks so much for coming out. It's great to meet you. Clarissa Unger.
Brownback: What's your name again?
Voter: Clarissa Unger. It's so nice to meet you. I just have to say that there's one thing that really concerns me about this race, and it's that a minister, Joe Engle has...
Brownback: Lou.
Voter: Lou Engle. Yes, I'm sorry. He claims that you have lived with him. And I was just curious, is that true? Did you live with him while you were in the Senate?
Brownback: Lou and I were...we...Lou and I were...we were...That's when I got burned out of an apartment, I was trying to think of the year...and then I subleased a place for a period of time. [Inaudible]...but yes.
Voter: You did?
Brownback: Yeah.
Voter: Some of his positions really concern me.
Brownback: Yeah, I know, they do me too.
Voter: The views on [inaudible]. Great, well thank you so much again for coming.
Brownback: You bet, thank you.
Maybe someone should follow up with Brownback and ask him which of Engle's views concern him the most: his Dominionism? or his view that homosexuality should be criminalized? or his fear that President Obama is unleashing demons upon this nation? or that universities are conditioning students to accept the Mark of the Beast? or that Satan has gained control over the US government?
Of course, these concerns didn't prevent him from joining Engle at the Family Research Council's anti-healthcare "Prayercast" last year.