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Bradlee Dean Suggests Gay Marriage Will Lead To Another Holocaust

Riffing off Martin Niemöller’s famous Nazi-era “First They Came for the Socialists…” passage, Religious Right activist Bradlee Dean has posted his own poem on WorldNetDaily titled “And Then They Came For Marriage...

Dean writes that Supreme Court decisions striking down state-sponsored prayer in school, decriminalizing abortion and legalizing same-sex marriage will eventually lead to a Nazi-style holocaust of Christians.

When the hypocrites and accomplices to Adolf Hitler (Matthew 7:21-23) would sing praises to Jesus in the Protestant churches in Germany, they would sing louder to drown out the noise of the Jews, gypsies and dissidents that were crying out for help while they were being hauled off in cattle cars to concentration camps, or even worse, extermination camps (Psalm 78:9).

In fact, we could rewrite Niemöller’s quote quite well for today’s church leaders. It would probably go something like this:

First they came for prayer in school, and I did not speak out, because I was not a student. Nor did I ever look into the fact that the Supreme Court is not above the law (Article III, Section 1, of the United States Constitution (Ephesians 6:18)).

Then they came to murder the unborn in their mother’s womb, and I did not speak out, because I was not an unborn child. After all, I was told that the Supreme Court could sanction the murder of the innocent in the womb by simply calling it a woman’s choice (Proverbs 6:17). Then they came for marriage through the legalization of two men or two woman getting “married” to upend America’s sovereignty, and I did not speak out (as if to say the Supreme Court injustices have a God-given right to redefine what God Himself designed), because I did not want to be called a hater or a bigot (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Romans 1:24).

Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak out for me, because I never spoke out for anyone else (let alone God) (Ezekiel 3).

It is disgraceful what we are not seeing from the pulpits in America today. Rather than seeing a thunderous barrage of righteous indignation against murder of the unborn and zeal against tyranny, injustice and immorality, we are hearing virtually nothing from over 300,000 pulpits … silence (Zechariah 1:15).

We hear church leaders (1 Corinthians 12:28) say, “Well, I don’t speak out against anything political.” The murder of innocent children, political? Homosexual marriage, political? A corrupt, wicked and lawless administration that means to destroy your country and religious freedom, political?

Together, we can turn this destruction around, but if you choose to remain silent, don’t be surprised when they come for you and there is no one left to speak out. And at that point you can rest assured that others may sing loud enough to drown out your cries.