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Bradlee Dean: Obama Pushing For Sharia Law, Discriminating Against Straight People

Bradlee Dean, who has entertained the notion that President Obama is secretly gay, thinks that the president is practicing “discrimination towards heterosexuals” and “advocates Shariah law.”

“[L]ook at who President Barrack Hussein Obama and this current administration have appointed to key positions in government–over 225 homosexuals,” Dean writes in a WorldNetDaily column published yesterday. “Talk about discrimination towards heterosexuals.”

Dean, who once praised radical Muslims who want to execute gay people, calling them “more moral than even American Christians”, chides “radical homosexual communities” for not questioning “the Muslims’ call for the execution of the homosexuals.”

In fact, he thinks that Rep. Keith Ellison is lying about his support for LGBT equality as part of taqiyya, or the concealment of religious beliefs due to the threat of violence, in order to undermine Christianity and elevate political Islam. Of course, Dean even manages to link Ellison to 9/11.

This last week, the radical Muslim congressman, Keith Ellison, was again proud to be named the vice-chairman of the Congressional LGBT Caucus.


Outside of the fact that Rep. Ellison, the first radial Muslim in the U.S. House (who swore into office with his hand upon the Quran) feels safe enough to take shots at me on a one-sided national platform (to the Daily Beast Keith stated to the American people that they “may not know how extreme this guy [Bradlee Dean] is”), what is interesting here is the fact that we cannot get Keith on LIVE radio to confront my “extremism” on an open platform. Keith likes straining at the gnat while he swallows the camel! So Keith, let’s go to the extreme and show America how extreme YOU really are! Now it is my turn.

Act For America’s Brigitte Gabriel said during an interview in a video called “Stealth Jihadie” that “Muslims can lie and the lie is permissible as long as the lie basically prepares the way for Islam to be either victorious or to win an argument against an enemy.”

Gabriel goes on to say that during Keith Ellison’s victory party, Allah Akbar (“God is greatest” – “Allah is greater”) were the words that were shouted. Those who perpetrated the downing of the twin towers in New York City on 9/11 said these same words.

Speaking of extremes, why is it that the Muslims have yet to be called into question by the radical homosexual communities concerning the Muslims’ call for the execution of the homosexuals?

Taking it another step, look at who President Barrack Hussein Obama and this current administration have appointed to key positions in government–over 225 homosexuals. Talk about discrimination towards heterosexuals.

This president not only entertains Muslims in the White House, but also advocates Shariah Law through his support of the Muslim Brotherhood, America’s sworn enemies.