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Beck And Crew Have A Good Laugh Over The Absurd Idea That People Should Know Who Malala Yousafzai Is

On the radio program this morning, Glenn Beck and co-hosts Pat Gray and Stu Burguiere were discussing a story on The Blaze about people who are angry that Margaret Thatcher was included in a Microsoft commercial "Celebrating the Heroic Women of 2013."

Gray responded that he was outraged that someone like Thatcher, who is "one of the greatest women of the past century," was featured along side someone like Malala Yousafzai.

"I've never heard of Malala Yousafzai," Gray said, sneeringly. "Who is that?"

Neither Beck nor Burguiere really seemed to have any idea who she was either, as the best that they could come up with was that she was some Pakistani "activist for schools" and that there was some tragedy  ... or something.

Gray was not impressed, saying sarcastically "that's a cause we've all been screaming about for how long."

That eventually prompted Burguiere to jokingly mock Gray for being "so stupid" that he didn't know who Malala Yousafzai is as they all laughed and laughed over the idea that it even mattered:

Yousafzai is, of course, the young woman who was shot in the head by the Taliban back in 2012 over her activism on behalf of the rights of women and education and has since become a global icon for human rights.

But why would three grown men holding jobs requiring them spend hours a day talking about politics and international affairs on a national broadcast be expected to know anything at all about something as insignificant as that?